My journey to finding The Vampire Diaries began like most of my pop culture forays do, with a mention from Entertainment Weekly. A lot of you know that I am obsessed with this magazine and its accompanying website. It is responsible for getting me into Comic Con, Buffy, Firefly, Spaced, and Bones, to name a very few. When they had their Sexiest Beast Alive bracket game, I found it quite amusing. I followed the results and voted when I had a favorite in the running (e.g. David Borenanaz, Doctor Who, Hugh Jackman). Imagine my shock and surprise when someone from THE VAMPIRE DIARIES took out my beloved Booth in a head to head match-up. “Who does this show from the frickin’ CW think it is?” I wondered. David had had the whole Whedon fandom behind him and that is a force to be reckoned with. How did this happen? I began to lose interest when all my favorites were out of the running and when it got to the finals with Damon (Ian Somerhalder) from The Vampire Diaries and Edward from Twilight, I figured it was a done deal because Team Edward would rally and make Twilight be victorious. Boo. Then came my issue of Entertainment Weekly announcing that the winner was…Damon from The Vampire Diaries?!?!? What the what? After reading a rather amusing acceptance article and more about the show in the magazine, I decided to see why my beloved magazine loved this show so much.
I first watched the premiere of second season, and while I wasn’t completely sold, I decided to give it a chance and watched the first season. After about three episodes, I was hooked. Not only are all the men (mystical and human) in the town of Mystic Falls b-e-a-utiful and thus extremely easy and delightful to watch, but it is the only show that continues to surprise me. After every episode, I am exclaiming, “I can’t believe that just happened” and wiping brain matter off the wall because my mind was just blown. Now don’t get the wrong idea, I am not talking crazy theories like Lost or separate realities like Fringe, but they kill people off, have couples you thought would never get together hook up, and make you go from hating someone to loving them all the time.
Most of you are probably like I was and don’t want to bow down to the vampire craze, but this is where, in my opinion, you should make an exception. If you like your vampires with less hardcore sex scenes than True Blood or if you prefer them to be played by better actors than Twilight, look no further than The Vampire Diaries, my friends. And then when you have started watching and gotten sucked in, come find me and tell me the answer to this: Team Damon of Team Stefan? But don’t expect us to still be friends if you are Team Stefan.
I appreciate your argument but I am standing by my inability to afford more time to TV. It's like appreciating a McMansion but knowing YOU JUST CAN'T AFFORD IT! Maybe if I have another kid and sit in a rocker for 3 months I will get it on DVD. Come to think of it, I have an IUD in and I'm probably not removing it. Can we still be friends?
I have to admit to you all that I fought Ellen on this one for many months. She kept trying to get me to watch, but I just couldn't bring myself to watch another show let alone one about vampires on the CW. Over Thanksgiving break I finally broke down and told her I would watch season 1. It took a couple episodes to get into it (the first episode is not nearly one of the best), but I must admit that it "sucked" me in as well (no pun intended). I watched every episode and then, because my cable was out and only my blue-ray player worked, I watched them all again. Ellen is right, every episode is mind blowing and emotionally draining. It is quite enjoyable (and the men aren't hard to look at either).
I'm team guy on the right. Hands down, pretty sure that's not gonna change. He is HOT. When I find the time for this, I will take you up on it for real. I promise.
Also, high five for exceptional linkage within this post.
You know I hear that. Ellen, if you say that this TV show is worth watching, then I trust you. You have only led me to amazing TV shows. Bless you.
Erica, of course we can still be friends. You don't like Bones but I still allow you in my vicinity, right? And Busath girls, I miss you. Come home to me. Because we are so marathoning this when you get back.
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