Thursday, September 6, 2007

Day 13 - Vienna! At Last!

On this day, I awoke to Vienna. From the train station we made our way to the Institute where we would be going to school and waited for the rest of our group. At this point, nothing was more welcome to me than the thought of unloading my luggage, seeing other people besides the three I had spent the last two weeks with, and showering. We were to stay in a hotel in our first night in Vienna. Before, checking into our hotel, we all had to go on a walk around Vienna. This was all fine and dandy except Kimberlee and I had not showered in 65 hours! We know, we counted. So, after our walk we got to our hotel and showered. I can’t remember feeling so refreshed. That night we ate at this really good pizza place, paid for by the institute. I had this really strange pizza, but it was awesome. It had shrimp, some sort of leafy lettuce, and a more biting cheese than your normal mozzarella. That night, the girls in my room and I stayed up and chatted for a while.

1 comment:

Megan Dulgarian said...

This is before you knew me. How sad...